Yesterday, the older kids and I had the opportunity to attend the temple dedication for the Draper Temple. It was so nice. We were in our seats for about an hour before the dedication began, and it was just like sitting in the chapel at the temple. Everyone was so quiet and there was lovely music playing and the spirit was just so amazing. There was a slide show playing with pictures of the various rooms in the temple and they look so lovely. There was a flower that was a continuing theme in the decor which I did not recognize, does anyone know what it is? I wondered if it was the Sego Lily, the Utah state flower. I am sure they explained it at the open house, but we were slackers and did not go.

The dedication meeting itself was amazing. The speakers did such a great job of talking about the importance of temples. President Monson was his usual cute and funny self and his dedicatory prayer was just wonderful and brought some tears to my eyes. I think the kids were a bit bored, but I had a good time so that is all that matters, right?