I am on the phone at work pretty much all day. I call people who have applied to be truck drivers. Here are some things about calling on these applications that I have noticed over the last 6 months
1. I dont like calling people who have first names for their surname. Is this Mr. Frederick Michael, or Mr. Michael Frederick? I worry each time I call someone that I have the name backwards and they think I am an idiot.
2. People have some interesting names and interesting spelling. Take for example the following name: D'vorac. Now I would say that da vor zjack, like the composer of my favorite symphony. But who wants to take a stab at how it is really pronounced? Well I will let you all mull on that for a while and submit your guesses. And if anyone actually gets it right, I will give you a special surprise treat.
3. Before starting to work here, I had never spent much time talking to anyone from the South, but I talk to a lot of Southerners now days and there is one phrase that I hear at least 10 times a day that I had never heard before...."Have a blessed day." I love that. I do feel extra blessed after being told so many times each day.
Well, that is all for now. I know it wasnt especially funny or clever, but at least it was something to read.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Work Observations
Monday, December 22, 2008
A Bloggy Change
So, since starting my blog, I have always felt that I had to have something extra interesting and exciting going on in our lives in order to blog about it, and I needed to have accompanying pictures. Well, there is plenty exciting going on in our lives, but since I am at work for some of it, and my poor memory neglects to remember to bring my camera for the rest, I have not been a very consistent blogger.
Today I am instituting a change. I think I have some of the funniest, cleverest friends in the world, and I enjoy reading their blogs so much, even if they dont have pictures, or revolve around an event which is "mother of the year" quality. So, I am going to try to reciprocate by dusting off some of the old funny and clever that I know resides somewhere deep inside me, and blogging with more frequency. You might not always get a breathtaking photo, or interesting travelog, and to be quite honest, you might not even always get funny or clever, but at least the qauntity may increase. I thought I can just sit at my desk and jot down some random thoughts on truck drivers, or phone etiquette, or my coworkers, or whatever.
I thank you in advance for your well-wishes and support, and hope that you will be rewarded with some entertainment.
But not today....maybe I'll start tomorrow.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Logan