Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I know that over the months of being my devoted bloggy friends, most of you have come to expect perfection from me. And I certainly can't blame you, just like Mary Poppins, I like to consider myself practically perfect in every way.

So it is with sadness that I must at this time publish a retraction and a correction. It turns out I am not perfect and sometimes I do make mistakes. (Please don't anyone tell Rollin because with him I am staunchly maintaining that I am always right.)

I called D'vorac yesterday and called him Derrick and he took great pains to finally correct me. All this time I thought he was calling himself Derrick pronounced with an unusual accent on the ick. It turns out he was all this time saying Dev-reck. So now the v makes a little more sense and it ends up not being as strange as I heretofore imagined....but admittedly an unusual name.