Things I love about being a mom:
My kids say the cutest things, especially when they are little. Sam has a little freckle on his neck and when he first noticed it, he thought it was a drop of syrup he had spilled on himself and it just wasn't coming off. He was convinced it was syrup for at least a year. We let him think it because it was so cute.
Things I don't love about being a mom:
Germs. I am so tired of being sick all the time. My home is like some kind of petri dish with each kid bringing home a strange variety of germs each time we leave the house. And then they get sick and then I get sick. I am currently on my 2nd cold in as many weeks. I suppose the upside is that someday I will have an inpenetrable immunity system, but for now I just don't like it.

Messes. Do they ever end? It seems like they don't. Now I admit I am not the world's most diligent housekeeper, but even if I were, there would be no rest from trying to keep up with the messes my kids make. One prime example is toothpaste. I s it just me, or do other moms find toothpaste all over the house? Giant globs on the wall of the bathroom, small globs in the carpet of a bedroom, smears on the mirror. It's everywhere! And it's not easy to clean either.

It looks like the goods outnumber the bads. I guess I won't sell my kids to the gypsies just yet, but the teenage years are looming in the not too distant future and the balance might shift. For now though, I sure am glad that Heavenly Father chose me to be the mom of these 4 amazing kids.