Please indulge me while I reminisce.
I was thinking this past week about bands I have seen in concert. I was remembering the good old days of Park West concerts. Those were some good times up there. Sitting in the general admission seats, watching people urinate in public along the fence, smelling the mary jane, watching the lesbians make out. Good times.
That got me thinking of other bands I was able to see in concert.
My first concert, I was 11 and the neighbors had an extra ticket to see Chicago at the Salt Palace. We were pretty far up in the stands, and I didn't really know the songs, but I remember being there.
Some friends and I went to see the Hammer when we were in high school. That was so awesome! It was my first introduction to some of the more suggestive dance moves that were popular in the late 80's.
Anyway, we don't need to go into all the gory details. I made a new playlist of songs from those great concerts I got to see. Now, before you start judging me and laughing, some of these bands or people were VERY popular back in the day when I went to see them....yes, even Michael Bolton.
Why dont you all tell me a little about some fun concerts you have been to? That would be fun, huh?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Please Don't Hurt 'Em, Hammer
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Notes from an uncool mom
I have been neglecting my blog lately. I have gained a whole new appreciation for the working moms of the world. This working full-time gig is hard! By the time I get home, cook dinner, and clean up the house a bit, all I want to do is stare mindlessly at TV for an hour and then go to bed. It is good that nothing too exciting has been going on, so the blog hasn't really missed out on anything. Here is an update, none the less.

Friday, August 1, 2008
Contest Winners
Well there was a pretty overwhelmingly small response to my name that 80s movie soundtrack contest. I guess all my bloggy buddies, with a few notable exceptions, are just too young to have lived the 80s. Even still, I can't believe that none of you knew the song from Xanadu. That movie is sooo cool. I have posted the answers on the side bar of the page.
Congratulations to my lovely sister Patty for naming the most movies with 21 correct answers.
Congratulations to the beautiful and talented Katie Roberts for her noble attempt and 17 correct answers.
And Congratulations to the amazing Becca Sanchez--oh I mean Devenport--for surprising me with her 80s knowledge and coming up with 7.5 correct answers.
No one knew the bonus question. Lessons in Love was from the movie Hot Pursuit, a mid-career non-winner for John Cusack.
Patty, look for your prize some time in the next 6-8 weeks. Of course, you rarely ever read my blog so maybe I will insist that you respond to this post before I send you anything.
Next contest coming soon. Or late depending on my energy and creativity level.