I have been neglecting my blog lately. I have gained a whole new appreciation for the working moms of the world. This working full-time gig is hard! By the time I get home, cook dinner, and clean up the house a bit, all I want to do is stare mindlessly at TV for an hour and then go to bed. It is good that nothing too exciting has been going on, so the blog hasn't really missed out on anything. Here is an update, none the less.
We have been getting ready for school to start next week. Jackson is going to be in 7th grade this year which means we have a middle schooler in the house. I've said this before, but I still can't believe he has grown up so fast. On Wednesday, he and I went to his new school for their open house thing. They did not have as much information as I would have liked regarding Jackson's first day of school, for example: where his first class is to be held, where he should go to be told where his first class is to be held, or who his home room teacher will be. I was uncomfortable with just plopping him down in a new school with no real information so I offered to take him that first day and help him out. He said that would be too embarrassing and he would do fine on his own. Yep, the day has finally come that my kids are too embarrassed to be seen with me. I think this has to be one of the worst days in every mom's life.
I have been plugging away little by little on our pirate mural. I have managed to do it without any requests for help from little hands, but they all like to come sit in the room and watch me paint. The painting process is slow going, and much more detail oriented than I imagined it would be. I think I got the completely wrong paint brushes because I have to work so hard to stay in the lines with the brushes I have. Another trip to Roberts for some new brushes is probably in the near future. The paint that our builder put on our walls must be some sort of super-duper-resistant-to-new-paint type because, like any other time we have tried to repaint in this house, the paint just doesn't go on very well. As a result, my mural might require a second coat of paint. Despite all the struggles, it is looking pretty good. I love the idea that I can appear to be quite a skilled artist, when in actuality I am only a skilled tracer. Check out the progress.

wow, i cant believe my big sister is now an uncool mom. my how time flies. but dont worry i still think your wicked cool!
your painting job looks good to me! and good luck with the working thing! :)
I don't mind being seen with you or hanging out with you. I think you are super cool rad and awsome!
Great job on the mural. I can't wait to see the final results.
How is the painting going? I'm dying to see the progress.
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