An Ode to Candy Corn
by Jennifer J Skinner
Yellow, orange, and white
You are a sugar lover's delight.
When fall comes in, you come out
You are something to shout about.
My joy is full, my tummy too
and even though summer's through,
I enter the fall with a smile on my face.
No other candy can take your place.
Thanks to the man who found a way
to put you together in that adorable way
And make my life a dream come true.
Candy corn, I love you!!
I love fall and I love fall candy. I went to WalMart today and made a special trip to the waaayyyy back of the store just to get a nice big bag of candy corn. Yummm. I might have to take tomorrow off because I will be in a sugar coma, but I am enjoying it now. That is because it is so delicious.
Here are some delicious candy corn facts to enlighten your mind and start your mouth watering:
- The average person consumes 5.73 pounds of candy corn per year
- October 30th is national candy corn day
Halloween accounts for 75% of annual candy corn production
Candy corn was first produced in 1880
More than 35 million pounds of candy corn will be produced this year. That equates to nearly 9 billion pieces -- enough to circle the moon nearly four times if laid end-to-end.
According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, candy corn is no different than a slice of bread, bowl of cereal or a cracker when it comes to causing tooth decay
So there you go. Candy corn basically makes the world a better place. Go out and get some today! And if you arent going to eat your 5+ pounds this year, please feel free to bring it over here.