Well, after much dilly-dallying and a day of furiously feverish painting, I can finally, proudly annouce the competion of one Wall Story Pirate Treasure Mural. Last Saturday, I really decided it was time to fulfill my promise to the lovely people at Magic Mural Factory, and complete our friend Roger the jolly pirate. I went to Roberts for one more bag of DecoArt Americana paint and a couple of new brushes (which, to my everlasting joy because I love a bargain, were 75% off) and came home to get down to some business.
First I added a second coat to the lighter colors and painted in some of the darker colors. I think that really made the mural come to life.

And here it is....the finished result.
Isn't he looking good? Turns out I am pretty awesome at this painting stuff.
Yeah it was hard work, but it was fun and nice to challenge myself to try something new.
And I am so impressed that it ..... what? I did what? Nuh uh, it is perfect. No? Not perfect?
Apparently this will NOT be my last post about the mural. Shortly after I left the boys' room in sweaty triumph at my successful completion of the task at hand, Sam called me back in to show me the mistakes I had made. Count on your kids to give you a nice poke in the head when it gets a little too puffed up. It looks like I have a little work to do. Excuse me while I slump, humbly, back to my task and try again.
I dont know, J. its looks pretty good to me, although i am looking at it on a 3x2 inch picture. None-the-less, way to accomplish the task at hand. And as a side note, im already nursing down my 4th bag of candy corn in as many weeks. It must be hereditary, or just two awesome individuals with excellent taste.
Looks pretty darn good to me too. How about something written on the boards. 'Pirates only' or your kids names? Perhaps your readers could suggest some good pirate words to write in blood red on the board.
Do you paint rooms too?? I just need a simple paint job, two toned walls for Andree. I am sure you have tons of free time. How about this week sometime.
It looks great. How fun.
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