Thursday, January 31, 2008
My Little Guys
Monday, January 28, 2008
President Gordon B. Hinckley
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Guitar Hero

Sunday, January 13, 2008
What is up with tagging?
Darn it Brittany. Tagging reminds me of those books we used to pass around in middle school...does anyone remember what they were called?.....same concept but looooong before internet (yeah we all know I am old.) Well I suppose there are worse things, but not many.
1. What's his name? Rollin
2. How long have we been married? 13 years
3. How long did we date? It's embarrassingly Mormon, but we dated for 3 months before we got engaged and were engaged 7 months before we got married.
5. Who eats more? I eat more often but Rollin eats bigger servings
6. Who said I love you first? I did
7. Who is taller? Rollin
8. Who sings better? Me
9. Who's temper is worse? That's probably a tie but might lean a little my direction.
10. Who does the dishes? ME always always me
11. Who pays the bills? Rollin
12. Who cooks dinner? Me and many times no one else in the family is very happy about it. Hey I'm a good cook, just those little terds are picky eaters.
13. Who drives when we are together? Rollin
14. Who is more stubborn? We both think we know everything and are always right so...both I guess
15. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither of us really "admit we are wrong." We just stop arguing about it and move on to another topic.
16. Who's parents/family do you see more often? Mine
17. Who has more friends? Probably Rollin. He is a lot more outgoing than I am.
18. Who has more siblings? I do: 5. Rollin has 2
19. Who wears the pants in the family? We all wear pants every day except on Sundays when Logan, Mya and I wear skirts.
I am not tagging anyone and I hope that no one who reads this blog feels any obligation to fill out this survey. Love you anyway Brittany!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Logan's Dance

In an effort to find a "thing," I signed up for curling lessons with the boys. For those of you not familiar with curling, it is a sport played on ice...sort of like bowling or shuffleboard. We went to a curling match when the olympics were in town and I was intrigued so when I saw that the olympic oval was offering learn to curl lessons, I jumped at the chance. We are having a blast learning and we are getting better each week. Last night my friend Alicia came with us and we got her hooked too.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Skinner B.L. Competition
Rollin and I are big fans of the show "The Biggest Loser." We enjoy watching the transformations and getting the little ego boost that comes from realizing that although we aren't Mr. and Mrs. Universe, at least neither of us has 100 lbs. to lose. We also pacify our guilt at the crap we daily eat by seeing the crap the contestants eat. I enjoy having a nice bowl of cheetos while I watch. Well I enjoy it for a minute and then the trainers make me feel guilty.
After watching B.L. last night, Rollin and I thought if these guys with 100 + pounds to lose can look that great after 6 months, how hot would we look with minimal effort after 3 months? So, in the spirit of New Year's resolutions, we are engaging in a weight loss and body shaping challenge. We weighed ourselves this morning and took our body fat percentages (ouch) and are ready to go. Rollin believes that if we put our stats on our blogs then we will be more motivated to do better. I hate the thought but maybe he is right. So in the interest of forcing myself to stop eating handfuls of chocolate chips at 11 p.m., I will add my info and update it each week. (But I reserve the right to change my mind at any time and take it off.) I absolutely put my foot down on no posting of our bikini before and after pictures though. Well maybe just this one.
If any of our friends in electronica land would like to join in our challenge, please do! We would love the competition and the support. Maybe we will even come up with a prize for the winner.
Monday, January 7, 2008
New Year
It is already a week into the new year and yet I have not set any resolutions. I have never really been big on it, but Rollin is and he wants to talk about our resolutions for F.H.E. tonight. What should I resolve to do? Watch less T.V.? But it brings me so much joy. Be a nicer mom? Is that possible? Work out more? I barely drag myself to the three aerobic sessions I go to each week. Eat better? But crap tastes so much better than bird seed. This resolution stuff is hard.
Rollin has been telling me for years that he wishes I were passionate about something, that I had a "thing" that I got all crazy about and poured some of my excess energy into. So I think for this year I am resolving to find a passion. I am taking suggestions.
Here are some fun Christmas pictures of the kids. It was Rollin's year to do Christmas his way so we opened all the gifts Christmas Eve.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Fighting the Fuddy-duddies
So I guess I am behind the times not already having a blog. I wondered if I would have anything of interest to say, and maybe I won't, but I gots to stay hip with the kiddies.