Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Skinner B.L. Competition

Rollin and I are big fans of the show "The Biggest Loser." We enjoy watching the transformations and getting the little ego boost that comes from realizing that although we aren't Mr. and Mrs. Universe, at least neither of us has 100 lbs. to lose. We also pacify our guilt at the crap we daily eat by seeing the crap the contestants eat. I enjoy having a nice bowl of cheetos while I watch. Well I enjoy it for a minute and then the trainers make me feel guilty.

After watching B.L. last night, Rollin and I thought if these guys with 100 + pounds to lose can look that great after 6 months, how hot would we look with minimal effort after 3 months? So, in the spirit of New Year's resolutions, we are engaging in a weight loss and body shaping challenge. We weighed ourselves this morning and took our body fat percentages (ouch) and are ready to go. Rollin believes that if we put our stats on our blogs then we will be more motivated to do better. I hate the thought but maybe he is right. So in the interest of forcing myself to stop eating handfuls of chocolate chips at 11 p.m., I will add my info and update it each week. (But I reserve the right to change my mind at any time and take it off.) I absolutely put my foot down on no posting of our bikini before and after pictures though. Well maybe just this one.

If any of our friends in electronica land would like to join in our challenge, please do! We would love the competition and the support. Maybe we will even come up with a prize for the winner.


Rollin Skinner said...

I used to play the electronica in a family band. We should start a family band, how sweet would that be!

Angie said...

I am totally in it with ya!

Mindurs said...

Good idea, but I do have to say you already look great! Count me in. Hopefully that marathon I am planning to run will help me shed the body fat, but I don't know what will help me give up all the bad stuff I eat. Hmmm?

By the way welcoming to the blogging world!


Jennifer said...

I totally got confused for a minute... I thought that was YOU in that fitness picture! I think you look that way from all of the sweet moves that we learned in the 80's and 90's.
Welcome to the blog neighborhood!