Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year

It is already a week into the new year and yet I have not set any resolutions. I have never really been big on it, but Rollin is and he wants to talk about our resolutions for F.H.E. tonight. What should I resolve to do? Watch less T.V.? But it brings me so much joy. Be a nicer mom? Is that possible? Work out more? I barely drag myself to the three aerobic sessions I go to each week. Eat better? But crap tastes so much better than bird seed. This resolution stuff is hard.

Rollin has been telling me for years that he wishes I were passionate about something, that I had a "thing" that I got all crazy about and poured some of my excess energy into. So I think for this year I am resolving to find a passion. I am taking suggestions.

Here are some fun Christmas pictures of the kids. It was Rollin's year to do Christmas his way so we opened all the gifts Christmas Eve.


Salty Gal said...

your passion should be blogging - kirklan always tells me i need to find something to do too - hello, it's called being a mom - drives me nuts :) but i blog and now i just started painting again - so those are "my things" i'm so happy you are blogging :) and your kids are growing up way too much

Angie said...

Hey Jenn! I got to your blog through Miss Oler's! I love it! I am so glad you are blogging now! Your family is so cool!