Friday, February 15, 2008

My Ramblings

I am feeling the pressure to make my blog more interesting and to post more often. The only issue is that my life is fairly ordinary and not much changes on a day to day basis. So, the result is that this blog may be updated more frequently, but rarely will it be interesting unless you like the random crap that fills my head and spills out onto this page. Rollin says it is just women who have a running tape of disconnected thoughts going on in their heads. Hey, a disjointed jumble of gobbledy gook is what he is going to get when he asks me at random times what I am thinking. Maybe at that exact moment I am thinking, "That house is strange, I wonder what the builder was thinking, our builder always wore that weird shirt, a trip to Hawaii would be nice someday, I bet the PCC is a cool place to go, that Toa on American Gladiators is funny, that last contestant was so annoying, I should work out tonight." If he wanted a "story" with a beginning, middle, and end he should read a book or something. Some might find my odd thought process endearing or even a bit quirky, so there.

Anyway, after that rant, here are my random thoughts for tonight since I can't sleep.

I heard someone use the word hubris the other day and I think it is a cool sounding word though I didn't know what it meant. So I looked it up and it means pride and arrogance. I am going to try to incorporate that into my vocabulary cause it is so much cooler to say hubris than pride and arrogance.

I added a song to my playlist and I had forgotten just how much I love it. It has some of the coolest words. Here are some of the lyrics: "There is freedom within, there is freedom without, try to catch the deluge in a paper cup" I love the word deluge. "Now I'm walking again to the beat of the drum and I'm counting the steps to the door of your heart." How cool is that imagery? Ya gotta love those Finn brothers. Rollin would say my music dork-ness is showing, but music rocks!!

Well that is all the rambling I have for tonight, but never fear, there is plenty more to come.


Di said...

Love your ramblings! You are hilarious! I'm glad I found out you had a blog at bunko... I'm adding you to my blog and google reader. Remember to join good reads because I want to see your list :)