My cooking puts people to sleep.
I try. I really do. I want the consumers of my food to be excited and pleased when they eat. What am I doing wrong?
I dream that Tom Colicchio asks me to cook him my speciality and when he eats it he tells me it is improperly seasoned and the flavor combinations are bad.

I dream that I cook a meal for Gordon Ramsey and he spits his first bite out and asks me if I am trying to kill him.

Someday, when I get a chance to redo life, I will choose cooking school over business school because the joy on someone's face when they eat something amazing that you have cooked can't be replaced by anything in the business world.
At least that's how I imagine it feels.
love it, photos, the dream, everything!
Maya's so cute. I just love her in nursery. I am a wanna be gormet cook. I think I'd rather have my kids fall asleep than "Oh, yuck I don't like this" all the time-I'm starting to get a complex.
Thanks for not posting the picture of me face down in the creamed corn.
I thought you were a gourmet chef. Well this just changes everything. I'll have to re-think that dinner group thing. :)'re it!!!! go to my blog to copy
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