Monday, May 12, 2008

Tossing our pringles

Warning: This post may not be appropriate for those readers with delicate sensibilities or wimpy stomachs.

This weekend we took the opportunity to get out of town for a few days. We went up to Idaho to visit Rollin's parents. The kids love spending time with Grandma and Grandpa, especially since they get to spend the night with them and Grandma lets them stay up late, eating junk and watching movies. We all had a very nice time. Well, it was nice except for the ride home. We started our 3 hour journey home at 4:30 and didn't arrive until 9:00. Why, you ask, did it take us so long? One word: puke. We had to stop two separate times to clean out the car and the kid who ralphed all over both. I alternately cursed Rollin's extreme motion sickness gene, all the crap we had fed the kids on the ride, and our car which does not have a very smooth ride.
I feel that over the last 12 years of motherhood, I have in most part become immune to the gag reflex which usually occurs when one comes in the vicinity of a puker. I can hold back a child's hair while she vomits into the toilet with nary a problem, but I must admit I almost lost it the second time I was wiping up puke in the space of an hour.

When we arrived home last night, I had to immediately walk to the laundry room with a bag filled with soiled clothing, blankets, and pillows and start a load. I didn't even get the usual luxury of waiting 3-4 days to unload the luggage and do the associated laundry. Today I jumped in the car to go grocery shopping and my senses were assailed with the lovely reminder of our adventure. All the places we hadn't realized had been "hit" when we were cleaning last night in the dark, took advantage of the last 12 hours to really put out some odors. I spent some extra time this afternoon shampooing, wiping, and airing out the car. I am just hoping and praying that it did some good because I don't think I can stand much more.

I think I can safely say that this will be our last car journey for a while. (At least until the car starts smelling normal again.)


Rollin Skinner said...

Happy Mother's Day baby. We really went the extra mile on this one. (Get it? Extra mile? Wink wink nod nod.)

Heart Mommy said...

Okay I have the solution to this one...All you need is some fabreeze.. Yup, It takes out he puke smell... Good luck..

Alicia said...

Oh Jen! I am SOOO sorry! I'm kinda sad you didn't call me and tell me you were cleaning your car (no I wouldn't have helped clean your car..I would have barfed) but I have been wanting to clean my car and wanted someone to do it with! I know I am a weirdo..everything is just better (and I'm usually more motivated) with someone else! The smell in my car makes me want to upchuck every time I get in it! It needs a good once over! So just in case your car needs to be cleaned me and I will clean mine right along side you!

Jax said...

Ok... we have a puker in our family, too... and her name is McKay. With all of the flying that I have done in the last two weeks, I have stocked up on airplane barf bags. They are perfect. We just keep a couple in the flap of our front seats.
Best of luck on your next travel session... hopefully it won't be so stinky!

Marinda said...

Happy Mother's Day to you!!!! Sounds like a good one.