Rollin grew up in Corvallis, Oregon, home of Oregon State University, so he is a big fan of OSU sports. OSU's baseball team has won the national championships the last two years in a row. Our favorite sport to watch as a family is baseball, so when Rollin discovered that the OSU Beaver baseball team would be in Provo last week playing BYU, we had to go. We got all decked out in our Beaver duds and headed down. I had to choose between my BYU shirt and my OSU shirt, but Rollin said I could't sit with them if I wore the BYU shirt so it wasn't too hard to decide but I did feel like a traitorous alum. It was a lot of fun for some of us, and some of us were big fat grumps pretty much the whole time (hint: Mya.) I think Logan's favorite part was the concessions stand, the boys enjoyed watching the players, Mya enjoyed playing with my sunglasses and then crying for 45 minutes, Rollin loved that there were so many other Beaver fans in attendance, and I loved that BYU had a family ticket deal so we all got in for $15. We all came home with just a bit of a sunburn and joy that OSU triumphed and beat the Cougars.

A couple of weeks ago, Logan and Mya both got their hair cut. Mya's cut came about more through my incompetence than anything else. I thought I would just give her a quick bang trim one day to even up the edges and keep them out of her eyes, but I got a little carried away and, in Rollin's words, she looked like "the world's smallest lesbian" with the mullet-ish results. Thank goodness for Brynn and her skills. She whipped out her scissors and before long Mya had her first official hair cut and looked adorable.
I don't know what it is but I just love the bob hair cut on little girls, on most anyone for that matter. Must be all those times I watched Thouroughly Modern Millie when she transformed herself into a totally "modern" girl just by bobbing her hair. Oh if only it were so simple these days.
sounds like you guys had fun! Mya looks so big, i can't believe it.
don't you just love when your kids (logan for you) loose their 2 front teeth? just makes me laugh...
i'm glad you guys do fun family stuff :)
So Rollin is obviously just as funny as you are! I am still laughing about that "worlds smallest lesbian" comment. Good stuff.
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