Hey you should all come over and rub my head, because I am one lucky girl this week!
I just won another contest! This one is for a year's supply of laundry detergent. Woo hoo. Now I will have hot lips AND clean clothes.
Not a bad way to end my 35th year of life.
Yeah, I turn 35 tomorrow. I think that after about year 25, I have dreaded adding another year to my age. This one hurts more than usual though. Maybe it's because this is a multiple of 5 year or something. Maybe it's thinking about all the things I am now just too old to do, like be an olympic gymnast. Maybe it's the ever increasing number of wrinkles I see every day. Maybe it's because the average age of ladies in my ward is like 19. Maybe it's because I am now on the inevitable down hill slide toward 40. Oh that hurts just to type.
I will try to accept my age with grace and style though. Let's look at the positive aspects, shall we? Are there positives? I don't look or feel 35, do I? That's something I guess. I would not want to go back and do my 20s again. They were hard. Having really young kids is harder than older kids (but probably easier than it will be in 5 years when I have 3 teenagers.) I don't embarrass myself nearly as easily now as I did when I was younger, so I guess I have gained some wisdom in my old age. That's also nice.
Ok, 35 isn't so bad. Not that being sad about it is going to keep those years from marching by anyway, so I will just accept my fate. But then again I might start lying about it and trying to pass for 29.

See? I haven't changed at all!
I don't know what you talking about, Beijing 2008 baby!!!! Shawn Johnson's got nothin' on me. I am planning on taking you to China for your Birthday, SURPRISE! I hope it ends up being the best 35th birthday you ever have. Which im sure it would as long as there is a 35 and 1 day. Just always remember someone in California loves you!!! Me, duh.
Happy Birthday girl! I am glad you are having one lucky birthday week. I will be over to rub your head. 35 isn't old at all so stop your complaining. Easy for me to say I am only turning 30 this year.
I hope you have a super fantastic birthday and a wonderful 35th year!
I guess I didn't realize you were that old.. :) Now your never losing me as a friend, cuz I hate being the oldest.
Happy Birthday! You really haven't changed at all :)
I gave up on those online contests, but I'll remember to try again during my 35th birthday week.
Hope you had a good one!
look how cute you are! Happy late birthday, you freaking LUCKY LADY :)
no you haven't changed one little bit. Hope you had a happy birthday. I am only 2 years away from 35, so make it look fun for my sake.
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