The other day I was driving in my car and heard "Lessons in Love" by level 42. What a great song! Anyway, it got me thinking about a movie which has the song on its soundtrack. That got me thinking about other awesome 80s movies that had amazing soundtracks. Rollin and I were talking about it later that night and decided there are a lot of great 80s movies we haven't seen in a while which we should revisit. We also thought, maybe we will write up a nice little review here on our blog so our friends can get some suggestions for great 80s movies to watch.
We are very happy subscribers to Netflix, so that night we spent like 2 hours reminiscing about movies we loved as kids and adding them to our Netflix queue. We received our first 2 yesterday and watched Karate Kid with the kids last night.I am sure that some of you are far too young to remember Karate Kid, but I sure have some fond memories. It is such a nice little family movie with such a good message. And that message is: if you rub your hands together really fast, you can heal most minor injuries!! No, really the message we got from Karate Kid can best be summed up in the words of Mr. Miyagi "Walk right side of road, fine. Walk left side of road, fine. Walk middle of road, (squishing sound.) You have to decide, Karate yes, karate no, but not karate maybe." We are constantly trying to pound that message into our kids' heads: whatever you decide to do, you need to give it 100%. Half an effort is not good enough.
We would highly recommend Karate Kid to those who have never seen it and to those who haven't seen it in a while.Our next movie: Tron. How cool is that? Stay tuned for the review.
If there are any 80s movies you would like The Skinner Movie Show to review, please let us know.
Also, my playlist is now totally populated with songs from movies of the 80s. Since our last music contest was so successful (congratulations Heather!!!) how about another one? Name the movies that had these songs on their soundtracks. The person who can name the most will win a totally tubular prize. You can email me your entries to the address on the right side bar, better not leave a comment or else people can steal your answers. (Extra special bonus prize if anyone knows the movie that had Lessons in Love, which started this whole mess, in's a hard one.) No cheating by looking them up on the internet, act like it's still the 80s and just try to use the computer in your brain! Let Mr. Miyagi be your inspiration.In hindsight, comments were not a good idea so I removed a couple comments with some answers, but never fear Becca and Katie, I have saved them and calculated your scores.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
We love the 80s
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Sorry, nothing to do with the competition, I just thought that last picture looks like they're riding invisible scooters!
Invisible scooters; that was great.
Nice post! And inspirational, a friend from my old neighborhood and I are planning a reunion type party (for all the old neighborhood friends) are the theme is-you guess it 80's. Gotta love big hair, bad movies and great music
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