Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Winner, winner, chicken dinner

Oh yeah. Guess who just won a Prince tennis racquet and balls?

Yup, I did. And this is just how good I will look when I use it, too.

I am sitting back thinking I am one lucky son of a gun and Rollin has to burst my bubble by suggesting that perhaps my winning has nothing to do with luck, but is instead an elaborate fishing scam to gather my personal information and steal my identity. He is such a kill joy.

We'll just wait and see who's right when my stuff starts arriving at our front door! (Or when my credit score goes down the toilet.) I choose optimism.


Lyndee said...

I am sure your stuff will come! they didn't ask for your ssn did they? :)

Rollin Skinner said...

I merely suggested that a winning percentage of 50% on nationwide web based contests was quite impressive and that you should be cautious. I didn't laugh, joke, or do the "I was right" dance that we both so enjoy. I was only preparing you for a possible let down, like everyone else did for you when we got married. I got your back baby.

Heather said...

No Way! Again? You are on a roll! I might be inspired to start entering contests . . . I never enter those because I didn't think anyone actually really won. How fun!