Well, it has been a pretty crazy week around here.
Jackson was at Scout camp this past week. It was really weird not having him around. We really missed him. This is his first week long overnight camp and I was a little worried about him wandering off into the wilderness or being eaten by a bear. He came home safely though. If fun is to be measured by the amount of dirt accumulated on a person's body, I would say he had the time of his life. I don't think I have ever seen a dirtier person walk through my door. He came home with a whole mess of bug bites, a very severe case of chapped lips and a little sunburn, but overall he was no worse for the wear.

My cute sister Laura, her husband Darren, and their 3 beautiful kids came to visit this week. Laura joined me at Bunco, and we had dinner with them and my parents on Sunday. We had so much fun seeing them, and because we love them so much, we passed along our family sickness to them. Poor Riley and Laura both got the pukies from us. Sorry girls.
Also this past week, I started working full time. It has been a challenge getting up early again and leaving the kids all day, but overall it has been a good experience. I am working at CR England trucking in their recruiting department. You sure get to talk to some interesting people when you are trying to hire truck drivers. I have had to study up on my southern so I can understand some of the people who call in. There are some thick accents out there!
Lastly, I received my Pirate Mural kit this week. We are all excited to tackle the project starting Saturday (when I say we, I do mean everyone except my non-crafting husband.) I was looking at the instructions and was very pleased to find out that it just requires acrylic craft paint. I was so worried that I would have to go buy ten 1 quart cans of latex paint and that would cost me a fortune. Now, I can just go down to Robert's craft and get ten $1.00 bottles of acrylic craft paint. That, I can afford. Stay tuned!
Oh and one more thing....today I stopped by Smith's and saw that they are having their great cereal sale this week. When you buy 10 Kelloggs cereals, you get them for $10. Can't beat that deal. We stocked up and got 20 boxes. I love saving money!!
Eventful week!
How fun for Jackson. Looks like all that free laundry soap will come in handy. :)
Hope all them Southern truckers er fixin' to be real nice to you on the phone. Is it a little strange when one of 'em, old enough to be your daddy, says "yes ma'am?" Have a blessed time with your new job!
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